Where To Start

You can start the Anime Sickos podcast wherever. But if you want a starting point tailored to your interests, we’ve put together a nice little menu for you.



  • If you might like anime but have never watched any, try


  • If you hate anime but love gaming, try



  • If you hate anime, gaming, and posting, but want to hear someone affirm your suspicions that the people in charge of your life are cruel apes with a howling void where their soul should be, try
    • Episode 22: Media Brain, where we diagnose “Media Brain,” a brain disease that afflicts literally all big journalists and renders them dumber than a baby
    • Episode 17: Comedy Sucks Now, where we explain how no comedian in the Trump era is capable of being funny
    • Episode 8: The Sickos Bring Their Whole Selves to Work, where we bemoan the inhuman cruelty inherent in America’s disgusting labor system.
    • Episode 29: Kevin Johnson Goes Guesto Mode, where Tom and guest Kevin Johnson tell the story of insane jobs they had together at a fake company that did no work.
    • Episode 54: The Machine Will Have Blood, where we summarize all of modern life by explaining how there is a big machine everyone is obsessed with feeding blood to. To be clear the machine does nothing and does not need blood. However if you bet on the machine getting blood you'll be right every time.
    • Episode 65: The Sickos Fix College, where the Sickos diagnose the endemic problems with higher education (a type of proto-job) and propose a new Sicko pedagogy to better prepare students for the world.
    • Episode 76: The Suffering-Suffering Fruit, where the Sickos describe the real-life Devil Fruit "Suffering-Suffering Fruit," which makes its users believe that to suffer is an inherent good and to go through it cleanses you of sin, and therefore to cause people to suffer is a generous and noble thing to do. Every Democrat has eaten this fruit.
    • Episode 103: The Sickos Listen to Homework Podcasts for Business Freaks, where the Sickos read a viral thread unveiling the results of a "Best Podcast Episodes of All Time" poll. They are all business success mindset podcasts for little demon Hitlers and to listen to them is to invite evil into your soul. All of them have one million more downloads than us.
    • Episode 105: Complaining Kicks Ass, where the Sickos praise complaining, one of the best and most fun things you can do. The world is trying to crush you and make you accept its bullshit with silent acceptance. Fuck that!! Let's whine and moan and cry!!!
    • Episode 119: Corpse Brain, where we define "Corpse Brain," a mental disease that causes your brain to die while your body still lives, rendering you unable to accept new information or think in a different way. Every politician and media professional has this, and also your mom.


  • If you like all those things but hate us, try some lovely guest episodes:

  • If you hate chat-based podcasts no matter the topic but like audio dramas, try
    • Our audio fiction catalogue! We inexplicably have produced numerous hours of meticulously produced audio dramas. I guess my creative writing degree wasn't totally useless.